Saturday, July 27, 2013

Recycle - Upcycle oh my so many ways, so many choices, so little time

I will try to throw out here all that comes to my mind, most of us usually throw out, and never give it  second thought. Those of us who are creative, inventive and love crafts always see in everything something useful to create....

I hope many think my way and will come back often... to see new ideas

Today I want to talk about clothing we have had for a long time, do not wear anymore, for various reasons, too big, too small, out of fashion or whatever:

      Each and every piece like that can be turned into a new cute, interesting or useful item....

I will try to add every day a new idea and hopefully with time many readers of this blog will try to
make use of the ideas and even share some of their own.

7.27.2013    Old Jeans, oh my so many things we can do with them:
               a)  use the strong fabric, and cut the shapes of  potholders and without a sewing machine
                    just stitch by hand 2 or 3 layers together, use a thicker yarn in a bright color, like yellow
                    red etc.  They are lovely

               b)  oh more things to do with old jeans - use the top of the jeans  and cut them just about
                     2 or 3 inches below the  crotch , stitch the open ends of the legs together .... on the top
                     add loops for buttons to close the top and add handels, I use the very bottoms of the yeans' legs, cut and attach two of the strips, as handles on the top part of the now like a purse looking
upcycled item, I juse a bright big button on each side (inside and outside of purse) to attach the handles, et voila a new purse

                c)  use the whole old pair of jeans or get one cheap one from the resale store
                     stuff it with newspapers and use as the bottom of a scare crow .....

More next time...

Ideas Ideas and more Ideas

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Real Estate Hints and Thoughts....

If Buying or Selling Real Estate is on your mind and your are listening to the news....
Here are some thoughts to think about.

a) if you have some money for the down payment and a good income and good credit rating
this may be the perfect time for you to look for that first home....
b) when deciding on buying a condo, a townhouse or a single family home a variety of reasons may sway you one way or the other
and I will talk about them in my next blog
c) If you currently own a property and you would like to upgrade, either because you need a bigger home, you want a larger lot or you want
to move to a more expensive suburb or town, i.e. if you are selling a less expensive property and buying a more expensive property this is
also a good time for you to look and buy, since even though you will get less for your current home you will make up for it by also paying
much less for the new higher priced home - so by all means at least explore your options

d) If you are moving from one job to another and you have to sell either because your are moving to far away or even though you could
stay the commute will eat into your free time and commuting long distance is costly as well - So if you are moving to a much better
job, better income you may just doing the right thing to move anyway.

e) on the other hand, if you are selling your current home, because you want to retire whether you already have a retirement home
somewhere else or you will be buying a smaller property, like going from a single family home to a condo or townhouse, you may want
to wait a little for the market to change. So in that case if your health and style of your home does not indicate that you must move,
be patient and wait a little.

Markets always change - and connecting with a good Realtor you trust who provides you with listings of available properties so that you
keep informed and see regularly what is available would be to your advantage.